50% of mental health problems begin by the age of 14 (1)

Children in the UK are living through an anxiety crisis that is setting them up for a lifetime of mental health issues.

By proactively addressing a child’s anxiety parents can help set their children up for a lifetime of resilience and positive mental health.

Protect Your Child’s Mental Health

The longer you wait the worse your child’s mental health will get.

What do all of these conditions have in common?

  • School refusal

  • Anxiety or depression

  • Self harming

  • Suicidal ideation

  • School or social performance is affected negatively

  • Unexplained tantrums

  • Withdrawing from society

  • Neurodiversity: attention problems, ADHD, ASD

  • Unexplained aggression and violence

  • Bedwetting and bladder control

  • Sleep problems

  • Bedtime becoming a challenge

The answer is Anxiety

Addressing anxiety is crucial to managing all of these conditions and improving your child’s mental health.

If anxiety is addressed early, many of these conditions would be easier to manage or wouldn’t have such a negative impact on your family.

We have the expertise to help you.

Our programme has been created to provide you and your children with the tools and skills to build resilience in the face of anxiety.

Starting with an assessment to understand your family's unique circumstances, our solution is built around your child’s unique experience of anxiety.

The average family works with Anxend for 6 months and achieves a 67% reduction in anxiety.

Accelerated Service

£295 Per Month


The Accelerated Service is the fastest way to help turn your family’s struggles around.
It is designed to become a part of your daily life in order to remove the negative habits, thoughts and feeling you and your family are experiencing.

Whats Included

  • Initial Clinical assessment (with report)

  • 4 x 30 min child sessions per month

  • 2 x 60 min parent sessions per month

  • On demand resources and help tools

Note: average completion time: 6 months

Standard Service

£150 Per Month


The Standard service delivers the exact same programme as the Accelerated Service but at a lower price point.
This option may suit those on a limited budget or do not have the free time available to commit to the Accelerated Service.

Whats Included

  • Initial Clinical assessment (with report)

    2 x 30 min child sessions per month

    1 x 60 min parent sessions per month

    On demand resources and help tools

Note: average completion time: 12 months

"100% recommend, 5 stars!"

Hear from parents whose lives have been transformed. Find out where they would be if we hadn’t been there to help.

With Anxend

  • No referral needed

  • Start immediately, no waiting list

  • No waiting between assessment and starting the full programme

  • Tailored solution for your child and family

  • Sessions are available in evenings, weekends, and during the day

  • Parent support sessions included

  • A measured 67% reduction in anxiety over a 6 month period

Traditional Options

  • Referral required

  • Long waitlists e.g CAMHS can be very long, in the worst cases taking up to 1,019 days, that’s 2.7 years (2) for an assessment

  • In 2021-22, only 20% of children and young people started treatment within four weeks (3)

  • More waitlists between the first appointment and treatment starting

  • Minimal parental involvement

  • No clear timelines

  • 60% of children and young people with diagnosed mental health conditions on waitlists will not receive care (4)

  • More than 1 in 4 young people on the waitlists have tried to take their own life (5)

  • More than 50% of young people on waitlists experience their mental getting worse (5)

Relatable & licensed help that you can trust

Our Mental Health Practitioners (MHPs) make us unique. MHPs are recruited as undergrads from the health and education faculties. What distinguishes them is their ability to build rapport and trust with children and teens due to being able to relate to the life stage of the young people they are coaching.

Our MHPs are supervised by Lead Psychologist Ana Periera and are experienced in dealing with a range of issues. You get the same professionalism and quality you would expect from traditional counselling.

We’re Here to Help

Fill in your details with any questions you have, and we’ll be in touch to start your journey to reclaiming your family from anxiety.