Take a free anxiety test - instant results

Which test should you take?

  • Parent version - for parents taking the test on behalf of their child.

  • Young Person version - for anyone 18 or under taking the test for themselves.

Answer 7 multiple choice questions to find out.

  • The GAD-7 (General Anxiety Disorder-7) test is used as a screening tool by the NHS and private medical professionals to measure the severity of anxiety.

    It consists of 7 simple questions with multiple-choice answers.

    Depending on the answers a score between 0-21 is generated and the results are categorised into lowest, low, medium, or high severity.

    If you’re unsure of the level of anxiety your child is experiencing, take the GAD-7 now and we will email you the results immediately.

    Please note, these results should only be taken as a rough guide to get the most accurate results the GAD-7 test needs to be conducted by a professional.

How do your results compare?

Take the free GAD-7 Anxiety Test for instant answers

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Our Peer-Coaches make us unique. Peer-Coaches are recruited as undergrads from the health and education faculties. What distinguishes them is their ability to build rapport and trust with children and teens due to being able to relate to the life stage of the young people they are coaching.

Our Peer-Coaches are supervised by Lead Psychologist Ana Periera and are experienced in dealing with a range of issues. You get the same professionalism and quality you would expect from traditional counselling.