Frequently Asked Questions

If you can’t find the answers to your questions here feel free to contact us!

About Anxend

  • Our approach is unique as it focuses on peer-to-peer coaching. We've found this to be effective for all youth dealing with anxiety. Our rigorous training ensures the safety and development of your child, fostering resilience and wellbeing.

  • We use coaches who can build rapport with your child, a crucial factor in their learning and resilience building process. All our coaches undergo stringent training and are supervised by clinicians, with safeguarding as their topmost priority.

  • Our coaches are professionals in fields that complement our work, ranging from teachers, social care professionals to medical students and therapists.

  • While our programs include therapeutic content, our delivery focuses on peer-to-peer relationships and personal experiences. This makes our approach more relatable for young people.

  • Our program can complement other services. We don't need to inform other entities about your participation - it remains a private matter. We emphasize timely intervention as anxiety can worsen if left unattended.

  • We generally cater to ages 8-18 but can adapt our services for other age groups where appropriate.

  • Currently, our focus is on children and adolescents aged 8-18. We're developing programs for young adults in their early career stages.

Suitability of Anxend Programmes

  • Parental involvement is crucial as you play a significant role in your child's environment. By understanding their anxiety, you can make subtle changes that can positively impact them. Remember, it's not about blame - we are here to support you.

  • We strongly recommend parental involvement. Your understanding of the program will significantly contribute to your child's progress.

  • We understand that not all partners may acknowledge the problem. Our coaches can help facilitate understanding during the first session. It's not necessary for your partner to attend all sessions if they are unable or unwilling to participate.

Parental Involvement

  • We have a range of services on offer

    The Anxiety Assessment is a one-off cost of £190.

    The Anxiety Solution Accelerated Programme has a monthly cost of £295 and takes 6 months on average.

    The Anxiety Solution Standard Programme has a monthly cost of £150 and takes 12 months on average.

    Both versions of the Anxiety Solution Programme include a 14-day free trial which includes the Anxiety Assessment. Anxiety Solution Accelerated Programme

  • We offer various payment terms through Stripe and Klarna.

  • For those who can't afford our standard options. Please contact us for further assistance.

  • We provide a 14-day money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied with our Anxiety Assessment programme, you can request a refund.

    The Anxiety Solution Programmes both start with a 14-day free trial during which you can cancel your subscription at not cost. After the 14 days, you will be charged for your first month’s subscription.

    Your subscription can be paused or cancelled at any time and you will not be charged for the next month.

Costs and Payments

Programme Access and Logistics

  • Our services can be accessed online. Sign up for our programs directly on our website or contact us for additional assistance.

  • After signing up and completing the onboarding process, you will be allocated a coach. You can schedule sessions with your coach directly through our platform.

  • To reschedule or cancel a session, use the link provided in your booking confirmation email or text. Alternatively, you can contact your coach directly.

  • At present, we're not affiliated with any private medical insurers, but we're happy to reach out to them if you provide us with their details.

  • If you are unsure of your child’s anxiety levels, we provide a free Anxiety Test with versions for both children and parents. We recommend both you and your child complete the test to compare perspectives and better understand each other's views on your child's anxiety.

    Ready to take proactive steps? Our Anxiety Solution Programme helps your child and family manage and overcome anxiety.

    Our Anxiety Solution Programme is available in two versions. Accelerated which takes 6 months on average and Standard which takes 12 months on average. Both versions include our Anxiety Assessment for free as a 14-day trial.

    Not sure where to start? Our Anxiety Assessment offers valuable insights into your child’s anxiety. The assessment is also included in our full programme at no extra cost.

  • Every family situation is unique. However, we've seen significant improvement in every family, with an average decrease in children’s anxiety of 67% based on GAD-7 results at the start and end of the programme.

  • Yes, single parents or primary caregivers can participate in our program alone. You're welcome to include any additional caregivers in the program as well. We believe in the power of collective support in raising a child.

  • We work closely with schools and provide them with a detailed report after our assessment program. At no additional charge, we encourage schools to engage and work with us in supporting your child.

    For schools that want to support their students, teachers, and parents we offer a schools programme, for more information please email

About Anxend Services

“My daughter is 11 and has been suffering from anxiety so badly she was being homeschooled and unable to learn. Anxend has been there to support the highs and the lows and my daughter has now gone back to school, was resilient during her sats, and is looking forward to secondary school! This help has been absolutely invaluable, I was desperate for help as my daughter was edging towards self-harm. This has been so much cheaper than if we were to both have counselling separately and that wouldn’t be nearly as helpful! I highly recommend this course and the staff at Anxend for any family who are suffering from anxiety!”

- Kellie St Ledger

We’re Here to Help

Fill in your details with any questions you have, and we’ll be in touch to start your journey to reclaiming your family from anxiety.