The power of early intervention for schools

An innovative, e-learning programme for schools to support students, teachers and parents to understand and overcome mental health issues in children.

Giving you the tools to


Get oversight of your school’s mental health with a live dashboard, displaying an overview of clinically designed checks.



Identifying and addressing mental health issues can result in many benefits, including improved academic performance and behaviour within the school community.

We train teachers, parents and students to understand mental health triggers and manage the symptoms before they become serious problems, that impact student’s school performance. Together we will unlock a range of benefits for your students and extended school community.

The benefits for your school

Direct Impact on Mental Health

Implementing an early intervention programme can significantly decrease anxiety, depression, and conduct disorders among students, directly enhancing their well-being and academic focus​​​​.


Improves Academic Achievement and Attendance

By addressing mental health issues early, students are more likely to attend school allowing them to achieve better academic results.


Addresses Growing Mental Health Needs

An early intervention approach places your school at the forefront of addressing mental health which affects at least 1 in 5 children.


Economic and Social Benefits

Beyond immediate educational improvements, early mental health intervention has been shown to save costs and improve life outcomes, providing long-term benefits to society and showcasing your school's role in contributing to these positive changes​​.


What’s Included

School mental health temperature check & dashboard

A series of clinically approved mental health checks providing evidence-based results of the current mental health of your school.

A tailored school dashboard displaying a clear overall picture and to track progress and results over time.

Teacher E-learning and 1-1 support sessions

  • Ongoing training to improve identification of the early signs of mental health problems in young people.

  • Training is CPD certified providing 2 CPD points for Teachers.

  • 1-1 support sessions with Anxend experts for teachers to ask about specific issues and concerns.

  • Mental health checks for teachers to help them understand and monitor their mental health over time.

Student E-learning

  • Ongoing e-learning programme; weekly modules throughout the academic year.

  • Regular mental health checks to measure changes over time

  • Activities and resources for students to learn techniques to help themselves and their peers to manage their mental health.

  • Students will build resilience and learn to overcome setbacks and challenges.

  • Audio, written, and video content to help students learn more about mental health.

Parent E-learning & Q&A Events

  • E-learning modules for parents to understand the biological and social elements that impact their children’s mental health.

  • Mental health events provided by Anxend experts for parents to ask questions and receive advice about mental health.

The Anxend Schools Programme


A highly effective solution. £1 per student, per month

The Anxend Schools Programme


A highly effective solution. £1 per student, per month.

How To Start Working With Us

Book a free mental health Q&A event

Speak to our team to arrange for Anxend to attend your school and provide a free event about mental health to parents.

The event includes a survey of students and parents to identify the main mental health struggles students face.

It starts with a presentation of the survey results and a tailored talk on how the specific issues. Ending with a Q&A session with an Anxend expert for parents to ask any questions they have about mental health.

Book a consultation with our team to demo our e-learning platform and discuss how it can be tailored to your school’s needs.

Book a demo

Book a Demo or Event With Our Team

Contact us for more details, we’d love to discuss how we can help your school