Ask Anxend your mental health questions.

Our team of expert clinicians and coaches are here to answer any questions you might have about mental health in your family.

Unsure where to turn or who to ask about your child’s behaviour? Maybe you’re stuck on a waiting list trying to get answers or worried about asking other parents for fear of judgement. You are not alone.

Here you can submit any questions you have about your child’s behaviour anonymously and our experts will answer your concerns.

Don’t let those questions keep you up at night, Ask Anxend and get the answers you’ve been searching for or view already answered questions below.

Previously answered questions

“I am scared of my son, he is 13 and when he lashes out and gets aggressive I worry that he might hurt me. What do I do?”

“I found sharpener blades in my son’s room. He is 14 and I am scared.  I don’t know what to do. ”

“My daughter is 12 and keeps telling me she does not want to be here anymore, she stays in her room and listens to sad music…”

“I can not even ask my son how his day at school was and he lashes out at me, I feel like he hates me and no matter what I say…”

“My daughter is 11, I can not get her to go to school. She will not get out of bed, she cries, screams and panics when I try…”

“How do I balance revision, homework, interventions (compulsory) & free time when I’m so overwhelmed…”

“My son is so scared of going to bed and someone or something killing him and him being alone…”

“How do you stop anxiety from controlling your mind?”

“How do you stop panic attacks?”

“I'm a young person. Who can I go to, except my parents, for help in addressing my anxiety?”

“I can't get myself to revise, I know I should but I can't stay still and focus, what do I do?”

“How do you deal with the symptoms?”

“I'm 16 and have anxiety my parents don't think I do even after 4 panic attacks and being

“How do you know if you have bad mental health?”

Relatable & licensed help that you can trust

Our Peer-Coaches make us unique. Peer-Coaches are recruited as undergrads from the health and education faculties. What distinguishes them is their ability to build rapport and trust with children and teens due to being able to relate to the life stage of the young people they are coaching.

Our Peer-Coaches are supervised by Lead Psychologist Ana Periera and are experienced in dealing with a range of issues. You get the same professionalism and quality you would expect from traditional counselling.