Join the Million Voice Movement

Uniting to Understand and Tackle the Mental Health Crisis

At Anxend, we’re more than just an organisation – we're a community
passionate about nurturing the mental well-being of our children. We’re
on a mission to bring the anxiety crisis into the spotlight, and we need
every one of you – parents, teachers, and bright young minds – to join
hands in this journey.

A Look at the Present

There are over three times as many children and young people in contact with mental health services compared to seven years ago, and the mental health waiting list stood at 1.2 million people in 2022​​.

In Our Nation's Health System: The NHS has been stretched with an unprecedented 4.6 million referrals for mental health services in 2022.

Between 2017 and 2022, rates of mental health disorders increased from around 1 in 8 young people aged 7-16 to more than 1 in 6. For those aged 17-19, rates increased from 1 in 10 to 1 in 4.

These numbers are more than just statistics; they are an alarm bell signalling that we as a nation need to act now.  

Together, We're Unstoppable 

This isn’t just a campaign; it’s a movement. A movement to make sure our children’s voices are not just heard but listened to and acted on by those in power. Because, in the end, safeguarding and improving our children’s mental health is a collective effort.

Be one of the Million Voices that drive change in treating mental health across the UK and the world.

Why Every Single Voice Matters

Our dream? To reach 1 million young people with the GAD-7 test. Why? Because with 1 million test results, we can knock on the doors of policymakers with undeniable evidence. We can make them listen, make them act, and secure the mental health of our nation's future.

Our Goal: A Million Voices to Open A Million Doors

We all know the saying, "It takes a village to raise a child." This couldn't be truer when it comes to our children's mental health. Anxiety doesn’t just affect individual lives; it ripples through classrooms, families, communities, and all of society. It's about all of us coming together to support our future – our wonderful, talented, and deserving young people.

What are the results so far?

The GAD-7 Test – More Than Just Numbers

Spotting the Signs Early

Catching anxiety early means we can support our young ones sooner.

A True Picture of Our Nation’s Youth

Understanding the breadth of anxiety helps us all – from parents to policymakers.

A Stronger Voice in Policy

With solid data, we become a force that can drive change at the highest levels.

A Community Mission


You are the front line; your role in weaving mental health awareness into education is priceless. Your mission is to get every child you teach to take the anxiety test and reduce the stigma around talking about anxiety.

Organisations & Youth Groups

You are the heartbeat of our communities; spread the word and encourage young people to take the test and help them talk about their mental health.

Young People

You are the heroes of this story; your courage in sharing and supporting each other is the change. Take the test and share it with all your friends.


You are the essential support, talk to your children about their mental health and encourage them to take the test. Support and encourage all the parents you know to talk about mental health and show them the test.

Together, We're Unstoppable 

This isn’t just a campaign; it’s a movement. A movement to make sure our children’s voices are not just heard but listened to and acted on by those in power. Because, in the end, safeguarding and improving our children’s mental health is a collective effort.

Be one of the Million Voices that drive change in treating mental health across the UK and the world.

Matt Green - The Rapping Science Teacher

Meet Matt – not just a teacher, but a storyteller and an inspiration. His unique approach to education strikes a chord with all ages. Let’s listen, learn, and be inspired. Catch his infectious energy in these videos we’ve partnered on.

Understanding Anxiety's Central Role in Mental Health

The Pervasive Impact of Anxiety in the UK

Anxiety is not merely a common issue; it's often at the root of many other mental health conditions. In the UK, anxiety disorders rank among the most prevalent mental health problems.

Recent findings from the Mental Health Foundation indicate that 60% of UK adults experienced anxiety that significantly interfered with their daily lives over two weeks.

Moreover, 30% of these individuals reported not coping well with their anxiety​​. These statistics highlight the extensive reach of anxiety and its profound impact on people's lives.

It all starts in childhood, if we address anxiety in our young people and teach them to build resilience we can significantly reduce the number of children who go on to suffer anxiety as adults.

Anxiety as a Gateway to Other Mental Health Conditions

Anxiety often precedes and coexists with other mental health issues, making its early detection and management crucial.

For instance, stress, depression, or anxiety accounted for 51% of all work-related ill health cases in the UK in 2021/22, according to the ONS - Labour Force Survey​​.

This underscores the need for addressing anxiety not only as a standalone issue but also as part of a comprehensive approach to mental health.

The Ripple Effect on Children and Adolescents

The impact of anxiety is particularly significant among children and teenagers.

The Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 survey revealed a worrying increase in mental health issues among young people, with 12.5% of 17 to 19-year-olds experiencing an eating disorder in 2023, a steep rise from 0.8% in 2017​​.

This trend underscores the importance of early intervention in managing anxiety to prevent the escalation of mental health problems into adulthood.

Why Focusing on Anxiety Matters

Early Intervention

Addressing anxiety early can prevent the development or exacerbation of other mental health conditions.

Improving Quality of Life

Managing anxiety effectively can lead to better mental health and life satisfaction.

Building Resilience

Understanding and coping with anxiety equips individuals, especially children, with skills to navigate future challenges.

These insights drive Anxend's commitment to highlight the prevalence of anxiety and advocate for early and effective intervention. By addressing anxiety, we take a critical step towards building a mentally healthier and more resilient society.

Together, We're Unstoppable 

This isn’t just a campaign; it’s a movement. A movement to make sure our children’s voices are not just heard but listened to and acted on by those in power. Because, in the end, safeguarding and improving our children’s mental health is a collective effort.

Be one of the Million Voices that drive change in treating mental health across the UK and the world.