Anxend success stories.

There is no greater reward for the work we do than hearing about the positive changes in our families. We celebrate every win, no matter how big or small.

"100% recommend, 5 stars!"

Hear from parents whose lives have been transformed. Find out where they would be if we hadn’t been there to help.

Watch unfiltered customer interviews.

We’re proud of our work's positive impact on so many families. Here you can watch in-depth interviews with parents who have already been through our programmes.

"It's been the most amazing thing I've ever done for me and my daughter"

"If we hadn’t had Anxend’s help I think I would have had a breakdown"

Samantha & Ben with Jess (10)

Key Struggles: Dreaded going to school & avoided going to class.

Symptoms: Stomach aches, sweaty palms, trembling, feelings of fear.

Nigel & Cassie with Bruce (6)

Key Struggles: Attachment anxiety, couldn’t be alone in a room, resisted using school restroom, struggled to sleep in own bed.

Symptoms: Noise sensitivity, racing heart, feeling of constant judgement, needed constant reassurance.


Jane B

I am at the start of this journey but the Anxend team have been nothing short of incredible. I can already see small changes in my 13 year old and he looks forward to his sessions with his coach. My coach is supportive and explains everything to me in a way I understand. I was sceptical at first as they were saying things I had heard before, but these guys do actually prove what they say. They genuinely want to help and will go above and beyond to make it happen.


Kellie St Ledger

My daughter is 11 and has been suffering with anxiety so badly she was being homeschooled and unable to learn, since meeting with Julie I have been given so much support and my daughter with Gwen has too.
They have been there to support the highs and the lows and my daughter has now gone back to school, was resilient during her sats, and is looking forward to secondary school!
This help has been absolutely invaluable, I was desperate for help as my daughter was edging towards self harm. This has been so much cheaper than if we were to both have counselling separately and that wouldn’t be nearly as helpful!
I highly recommend this course and the staff at anxend for any family who are suffering with anxiety!


Tracey Boland

We've been working with Anxend for a few months. Looking for help for my children was like banging my head against a brick wall. I've been on so many waiting lists for help, and don't seem to get anywhere.

From the moment Anxend became involved it felt like an answer to prayer.

Previous to their involvement I felt completely isolated, and felt that nobody cared about my kids or our struggles.

I'm not alone any more. The kids both really get on with their coaches. I wasn't sure how they'd manage to get them to engage - but honestly, Gracie is magic!!

The support I get from Julie, my parent coach, is amazing!

I'm so grateful to Anxend for their continuing support. We're only at the beginning of our journey, but I would definitely recommend this company!


Kelly Yarde

Julie has been wonderful - highly recommended . My son is coming on leaps and bounds and loves his sessions with Gwen. Thank you for all the support on our journey


Kelly Coote

I am so grateful to Maurice and the Anxend coaches who help my son with his anxiety and helped me to help him. My son is like a different child from the child he was before we started the course. My son’s anxiety was spiralling out of control and I felt helpless. He was so anxious about everything and needed constant reassuring about everything. The coaches tailor the sessions for the individual to be able to gain the most benefit and talk you through each step of the program. Now he has learnt about the causes and processes of anxiety and how to manage his, as well as helping him to see just how awesome he truly is. These skills will help him through his life. I learnt how he viewed his world and how this affected him, and this enabled me to help him through his journey. I also ended up going through a journey of my own and feel I have grown so much too. We both really bonded with our coaches and are so grateful for their time, care and dedication to helping us through a really, really tough time, which at the time we could see no way out of. I also met with my son’s coach periodically and we were in contact regularly. I am grateful to both the coaches and will miss meeting with them. We are a few weeks out of completing our course and my son is flourishing.


Linda Christina Turner

Thank you, Anxend. You have not only supported our 17-year-old with anxiety, that was impacting their lives and making them try and cope with using very risky habbits. But have helped them and us, to have an understanding of what is happening to them ,and how to start to cope in a much more healthier way. We have been able to support them and each other with these changes that they have taken charge of to move forward, and allow them to look at what their choices are and how they are feeling about the choices they are making. Not only their actions but also ours. We have all been taken through the physical feelings and responses to why our brain my be feeling this way. But your child coach for them, really makes a diffrence to there feeling in control of themselves and not alone in their heads.
We feel listened to, valued, and supported with the education from our parent coach, who is never judgmental and always supportive in a manner that supports us and the child. We thank you so much, and can see the massive change and confidence growing in our child.We have worked with you once a week with us the adults, and our child has had up to three sessions per week .yous are always accessible, which is whats needed with anxiety, because you can't timetable it ,or predict it, so this has been such a help and relief, for us to have. Thank you.



Our 16yo has been struggling with MH issues on and off for about 5 years. This programme has made a significant contribution to getting her to a self-aware, managed and stable state, with tools she can deploy when she notices signs that she’s not right. Her communication with us is much better, and because of the brilliant whole family support through the programme, our understanding and communication with her are much better too. We all found it difficult to start with - behaviour change takes effort but with the support from our coaches, we have moved forward as a family and are looking forward with happiness. I can’t recommend this enough.



We have worked with Julie and Gracie to support our young person for 9 months and have seen such a difference. Julie has been very supportive working with us and the same for Gracie, working with the young person since November. i would highly recommend Anxend for the support and work they do with the adults as well as the young person.



Our involvement with Anxend has been nothing short of excellent, Julie and Gracie and the team are very passionate about the service they provide. The young person which we support has come on in leaps and bounds with the support they have received from your team over the last 10 months. Carry on with the great work you're providing.



Eighteen months ago, I thought that I would not see my teen happy ever again, suffering from severe anxiety, moderate depression, struggling at school, PTSD, and all that life had thrown at them at such a young age. Gracie is a superb coach. My child loved their sessions with Gracie, trusted them and put the techniques they learned into practice. Julie was patient with us parents, we learnt a lot about ourselves. Thank you team Anxend.

Feedback from parents

“It’s like he’s his old self, I have got my son back”

“It really was so nice talking to you today, you're definitely in the right profession!

I already feel a weight lifting just hearing and feeling that you actually have a true understanding of what Josh is going through and I felt extremely comfortable listening to you and speaking to you so I would like to thank you for that.”

“The program is so impressive and it’s Orla that’s been reminding me, telling me when she has meetings - that in itself it’s a big sign of her interest/need for this”

“They're happier, more confident, we pull together as a family now and the home is remarkably calm”

“We have been working with Julie and Gwen which has really helped us. Great service and support for our family. Highly recommended.”

“I'm not constantly worried about my son now and that feels great”