Encouraging Your Child to Embrace the Outdoors This Summer 

Encouraging Your Child to Embrace the Outdoors This Summer 

The summer holidays are a wonderful opportunity for children to explore the world outside, make new friends, and develop a range of skills. However, with the allure of screens and indoor comforts, getting them outside can sometimes be a challenge. Here are some practical and enjoyable tips to encourage your child to embrace the outdoors this summer. 

The Benefits of Getting Children Outside and Active 

It’s important to understand why encouraging outdoor activity is so crucial for your child’s well-being. Here are some key benefits: 

1. Physical Health 

Outdoor play is essential for physical development. Activities such as running, jumping, and climbing help children build strong muscles and bones, and improve cardiovascular health. 

2. Mental Health 

Spending time outdoors has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression in children. Natural sunlight boosts the production of serotonin, a hormone that enhances mood and promotes a sense of well-being. Additionally, outdoor activities can improve concentration and cognitive function, aiding in better performance at school. 

3. Social Skills 

Outdoor play often involves interaction with other children, which helps develop social skills such as cooperation, sharing, and conflict resolution. These interactions are crucial for building friendships and improving communication skills. 

4. Creativity and Imagination 

The outdoors provides a rich environment for imaginative play. Natural settings inspire creativity, allowing children to invent games, explore, and discover. This kind of play is essential for cognitive development and problem-solving skills. 

5. Connection with Nature 

Spending time outside fosters a connection with nature, teaching children to appreciate and respect the environment. This connection can lead to a greater understanding of the natural world. 

Tips to Encourage Outdoor Activity 

Now that we’ve covered the benefits, here are some practical tips to encourage your child to embrace the outdoors this summer. 

1. Lead by Example 

Children often mimic the behaviour of their parents. If you show enthusiasm for outdoor activities, your child is likely to follow suit. Plan family outings such as picnics, hikes, or bike rides. Your active participation can make the experience more enjoyable and less like a chore for them. 

2. Create a Fun Outdoor Routine 

Establishing a routine that includes outdoor time can make it a regular part of your child's day. Whether it’s a morning walk, an afternoon at the park, or an evening spent gardening, consistent outdoor activities can become something they look forward to. 

3. Organise Playdates and Group Activities 

Children are more likely to be excited about going outside if they have friends to play with. Organise playdates or group activities with neighbours or school friends. Games like football, tag, or scavenger hunts can make outdoor time more engaging and fun. 

4. Introduce Them to New Hobbies 

The summer holidays are a great time for your child to discover new interests. Introduce them to hobbies that require being outdoors, such as bird watching, fishing, or photography. Providing them with the necessary tools and knowledge can spark their curiosity and enthusiasm. 

5. Create a Safe and Inviting Outdoor Space 

Transform your garden or backyard into a space where your child loves to spend time. This could include a small play area, a vegetable patch they can help tend to, or even a simple tent or hammock. A safe and inviting outdoor space can encourage more time spent outside. 

6. Limit Screen Time 

Set clear limits on screen time to ensure it doesn’t overshadow outdoor activities. Encourage your child to earn screen time by spending a certain amount of time outside first. This balance can help them appreciate the outdoors more. 

7. Plan Outdoor Adventures 

Plan exciting outdoor adventures such as camping trips, visits to the beach, or exploring local nature reserves. These adventures can provide a break from routine and offer new and exciting experiences that your child will cherish. 

8. Get Creative with Outdoor Games 

Incorporate creativity into outdoor play. Activities like building a fort, creating nature art, or setting up an obstacle course can make outdoor time more appealing. Encourage your child to come up with their own games and activities too. 

9. Make Outdoor Time Educational 

Turn outdoor time into a learning experience. Teach your child about different plants, insects, or weather patterns. This can make the outdoors a fascinating place and pique their interest in nature and science. 

10. Reward Their Efforts 

Positive reinforcement can go a long way in encouraging outdoor activities. Reward your child for spending time outside, whether it’s with praise, a small treat, or a fun outing. This can motivate them to continue enjoying the outdoors. 


Encouraging your child to spend time outside during the summer holidays can be a rewarding experience for both of you. By making outdoor activities fun, engaging, and part of your daily routine, you can help your child develop a lasting love for the outdoors. Remember, the key is to be patient and supportive, making outdoor time a joyful and integral part of their summer. 

By incorporating these tips into your summer routine, you can help your child create wonderful memories and develop a healthy habit of spending time outdoors. Enjoy the sunshine and have a fantastic summer! 


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