Mattia Centaro

Mental Health Practitioner

Hi, my name is Mattia.

I am a young, excited man born in Italy, driven to make a difference in modern society through my passions and experience in the theatre environment.

Looking back to my childhood and adolescence, I realised how anxiety resembled a continuous challenge of self-improvement in overcoming different settings that were part of my daily routine. I constantly doubted my skills, knowledge, and sometimes appearance, deeply hesitating and questioning myself before starting a new journey like a job, hobby, or school. I looked at the world around me with a negative lens, often referring to a trusted friend's opinion before making a critical decision. After my high school diploma in Italy, I worked in a restaurant as a waiter for two years before deciding to change my life forever by moving to the UK to pursue my passion for theatre, acting, and psychology. I was afraid and full of doubts regarding my future, but the idea of studying what I always dreamed of in my childhood was too strong to hold me back.

During the following three years of my university course in acting, my anxiety fluctuated, alternating periods of in-depth creativity and inspiration with moments of severe mental distress. I have reached the lowest and highest anxiety levels I have ever experienced, making me consider starting a new journey of self-development towards it. Immediately after my undergraduate degree, I enrolled in an MSc Psychology course to explore and further my knowledge, trying to apply the content of each module to my experiences and interests, creating and exploring topics freely, and often using personal hobbies (like chess) as main research topics for my assessments. Although I experienced a high stress level during my master's degree, my knowledge of anxiety was much more robust at that point, helping me focus my attention on my studies and passions throughout the academic year. Finishing this educational journey coronated a dream, providing something I could be proud of and linking my artistic passions with academic achievements. 

My journey taught me to use passions and interests to contrast my anxiety and the negative impact that it had on my life, and now I want to share my experience with the hope that it could bring inspiration and tools helpful in contrasting anxiety while restoring the fantastic feelings we have doing what we like the most. I think there is no more beautiful feeling than transmitting your excitement to others and seeing them grow, overcoming worries and fears while embarking on their dreams.